[ardour-users] Ardour seeks new sponsors

Nicola Mattei foxdalailama at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 10:08:55 PST 2007

2007/1/12, Paul Davis <paul at linuxaudiosystems.com>:
> Please feel to redistribute as appropriate.
> ----
> Ardour is looking for new project sponsors after our major contributor,
> Solid State Logic informed us that a conflict of interest prevents them
> from continuing the financial support they gave to Ardour during 2006.
> Ardour is at an exciting point in its development: version 2.0 is about
> to released very shortly, and more and more developers have recently
> started contributing to the project. Once version 2.0 is released, we
> have a large list of substantial new features waiting to be added,
> including MIDI recording and playback (already implemented as part of
> our participation in Google's Summer of Code). New work to add support
> for Mackie/Logic Control surfaces is already substantially completed.
> However, despite the growing number of developers and the excitement of
> a 2.0 release, Ardour will not keep moving forward at an acceptable pace
> without at least one developer focused full time on it, and the end of
> SSL's funding will have a significant impact in this area. Paul Davis,
> Ardour's lead developer and founder, was paid entirely by SSL and is now
> seeking other ways of allowing him to continue working on Ardour as well
> as JACK.
> We welcome continuing contributions via Paypal. However, we are also in
> an urgent search for corporations or orther organizations that see the
> long term value of Ardour as part of the audio technology environment.
> If you or your organization are interested in helping to establish and
> support a non-profit foundation dedicated to ensuring Ardour's
> continuing development, please get in touch with Paul
> (paul at linuxaudiosystems.com)
> _______________________________________________
> ardour-users mailing list
> ardour-users at lists.ardour.org
> http://lists.ardour.org/listinfo.cgi/ardour-users-ardour.org

May starting a Pledge like the one recently being done for nouveau
(the project that is writing open source nvidia driver) be a good
idea? (reference: http://www.pledgebank.com/nouveaudriver).
Maybe we could be able to raise enough money in order to guarantee
paul with a regular wedge at least for 6 month or even an year,
gaining more time to find a regular sponsor. It seems that that one is
a success.
Of course more suggestions are welcome.

Hoping for the best,


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