[ardour-users] A decent sound card for Ardour

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Wed Jan 3 05:54:49 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 06:48 +0000, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Also there's envy24control in the ALSA tools package, which gives most
> of the functionality present in the Windows driver and is occasionally
> useful.  I imagine a lot of other multichannel cards will lack this.
[ ... ]
> I've drooled over other multichannel sound cards in the past but I often
> wonder if Linux drivers for it would be as good as the ice1714 driver,
> or even exist at all.

RME HDSP series cards have hdspmixer which offers the same general h/w
specific control, except for 18-26 channels. its a slicker tool, too.


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