[ardour-users] ardour 2 build for mac os x

Sciss contact at sciss.de
Mon Sep 18 11:07:19 PDT 2006

thanks nicola (i should have asked before would have saved my efforts  
to get it compiled ;-)

so just quickly my first impressions:

i have been playing a little with ardour 1 before, and i must say,  
ardour 2 really feels good (after my initial shock of seeing X11  
being started), also it feels much more responsive. i like the  
combination of features from protools and logic whose mutual lack  
made me hate both of them (protools for not being able to display  
more than one automation track, for not allowing interleaved  
multichannel files, for being tied to expensive hardware; logic for  
being unable to have timeline displayed in hh:mm:ss and requiring  
that horrible beats-and-bars grid snapping, for a quite bad surround  

seems it's a wise decision to not upgrade my logic pro 6 any  
further ;-))

i will be doing my next tape piece with ardour for sure. thanks for  
making this!

greets, -sciss-

Am 18.09.2006 um 17:26 schrieb Nicola Mattei:

> 2006/9/18, Sciss <contact at sciss.de>:
>> hi,
>> has someone a binary snapshot of ardour 2 working on mac os x 10.4
>> intel?
> I think last one is:
> http://ardour.org/files/releases/ardour2-beta2b.dmg
> take also a look at
> http://ardour.org/requirements_osx
> Nicola

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