[ardour-users] Surround Sound Mixing and Panning

Hector Centeno-Garcia h.centeno at sympatico.ca
Fri May 5 07:16:33 PDT 2006


I found this unanswered thread pointing to the same problems I'm facing 
now that I'm trying to use the surround panner in Ardour 99.3. I can add 
to it that the panner in the editor mixer and in the general mixer never 
mirror each other. I hope someone can share some commentaries about this 

Thank you!


Thomas Vecchione wrote:
> Hello-
>   I apologize if this has been asked repeatedly... I am sure it has.
>   I am currently having problems understanding the multi-channel 
> panner, or else it seems a bit buggy.
>   Taking a mono channel in a project with 5 outputs, the panner for 
> the channel has a single blue puck, and 5 orange squares.  I would 
> assume the orange squares would represent the inputs to the master 
> track and the blue puck would represent the output of the source 
> track.  Moving the 5 orange squares to a setup similar to the 5 
> speakers in a 5.1 surround set up I can move the blue puck around and 
> see differences in the send levels going out of the track.  However 
> these dont seem to match up correctly to the proximity of the blue 
> puck to the respective speakers, and I never completly lose signal to 
> any speaker, say if I wanted to pan a track hard into the front left 
> speaker and none of the others.
>   On the master track I have the same 5 squares, but now I have 5 blue 
> pucks to move around, I am a bit confused on this.  I would think that 
> either I would have one, or the other, but not both, but it seems I 
> have both and am confused as to that.  It would seem on the master 
> track panner I would place the locations of the inputs into the master 
> track in the 2d panner, and the source track panner I would place the 
> location of the output of the source track.
>   So I am a bit confused as to why I have 5 meters I believe showing 
> outputs into each of the master tracks inputs on the source track.  It 
> would seem to me that I should only have a single LED meter on the 
> output of that track, as I might not choose to send that track 
> directly to the master ports and send it instead to a stereo bus which 
> I then pan into the master track.  So if someone could explain to me 
> why this is, or how I am misunderstanding it I would appreciate it 
> greatly.
>   I am also a bit confused why I have the 5 orange squares and 5 blue 
> pucks in the master track panner.  Again see above, to me it would 
> make sense for this only to allow me to place the inputs into the 
> master track.  The outputs I would assume would be fixed into various 
> ports typically and cant find a reason for this not to be the case.
>   I would love to use ardour for multitrack mixing and I tihnk it has 
> great capabilities, but I seem to be misunderstanding some of the 
> implementations of it and would love some help in figuring it out.
>   Another thing I have noticed is when editing ANY of the above 
> features of the panners in the Editor Mixer(Not the mixer window) 
> whenever I switch to a different track and come back it has reset to 
> its defaults and none of my edits stay.  I would assume this to be a 
> bug but want to double check since i am having so many problems.
>   So any help? ..... Bewler?
>          Seablade
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> On further inspection I think I am getting closer to writing this off 
> as a rather annoying and possibly severe bug in multi-channel mixing...
> It appears that the orange squares, no matter where you move them on 
> the track, or the master do not actually update, or dont seem to be to 
> me.  However moving the puck around corresponds correctly to the 
> original positions of the orange squares with regards to levels on the 
> output(?) meters of that channel.
> However second part of this is there is no difference with moving the 
> puck around with regards to the levels of the meters on the master strip.
> So if I could get confirmation that this is a bug and I am not doing 
> something completly stupid I will be more than glad to submit it to 
> mantis, I didnt see anything like this when I looked there earlier 
> tonight, but it doesnt mean I didnt miss it, so feel free to tell me 
> if it is already there;)
>         Seablade
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