[ardour-users] new new new osx version uploaded

Iwan Heskamp iheskamp at xs4all.nl
Tue Jun 27 13:54:19 PDT 2006

On 27-jun-2006, at 22:41, Jesse Chappell wrote:
>> Other than that, Ardour2b2 works quite a bit smoother
>> than 0.99.3 but I have to confess that the sessions are
>> not as complex as the ones I'm working on with 0.99.3.
> In what sense do you find it smoother (other than the fonts)?  Just  
> curious.

Overall movement and dragging of regions just feels smoother. But as  
I said,
This session is nowhere near the complexity of the others. They tend to
navigate slower as the number of regions gets larger.

I don't really care about the looks of 0.99.3, as long as it works  
and is stable
I'm fine. But crappy fonts don't really work. Oh well.

>> On a side-note: right now I'm correcting some 'creative
>> drumming' recorded by a friendly band, and I have to say
>> that Ardour2b2 saves quite some time compared to 0.99.3,
>> but still... is there an audio-quantizer of some sorts?
>> Putting these kicks at the right place is quite tedious.
> How has it saved you time over 0.99.3?  Again, I'm just wondering what
> we did that helped you.

Heh, for some strange reason spliiting at the mousepointer didn't work
so I had to move the edit pointer, split, move, etc. Now it's point &  
press and
then move the small piece of kick. But also the moving/scrolling/etc  
feels faster for some strange reason. I'm not sure if that's  
"something you
did" or a sideeffect of using GTK2?

Oh by the way, are this kind of bugreports helpful? I mean my other mail
of course.

> As for a quantizer that analyzes the audio
> content, I'm afraid ardour has no such feature yet.  A beat detective
> feature is probably on its way sometime within the next year.

The piece in this case is grind core/death metal, with lots of  
blastbeats with
double bass. This particular drummer is not as tight as he should be,  
I'm just happy he's not *my* drummer, saves me a lot of time when
recording my own band, no correction needed :)---

When the project of my own band is finished, I'll post it here, just  
in case
someone's interested in Old School Death Metal...


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