[ardour-users] new new new osx version uploaded

Iwan Heskamp iheskamp at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 26 13:59:35 PDT 2006


On 25-jun-2006, at 16:12, Taybin Rutkin wrote:
> This version fixes the missing libexpat error.
> Let us know how it works.
> http://ardour.org/files/releases/ardour2-beta2.dmg

Starts alright, and it looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!
It seems to work sweet as well (starting from scratch with a  
session), but I have
some trouble importing an existing 0.99.3 session:

---------part of Console.log------------
ardour: [ERROR]: FileSource: "Gitaar LL-34.wav" not found when  
searching /Volumes/Audio/deisplattersplit/sounds:/Volumes/Audio/ 
deisplattersplit/tapes using ^Gitaar\ LL\-34\.wav$
FSPathMakeRef -43
ardour: [ERROR]: SndFileSource: cannot open file "Gitaar  
LL-34.wav" (System error.)
ardour: [ERROR]: Found a sound file that cannot be used by Ardour.  
See the progammers.
ardour: [ERROR]: Session: cannot create Source from XML description.
(lots of them, snip)
ardour: [ERROR]: cannot open recent session file /Users/ 
iwan/.ardour2//recent (Too many open files)

(ardour:413): Pango-WARNING **: Unable to open font file /Library/ 
Fonts/Optima.dfont for font Lucida Grande 10, exiting


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