[ardour-users] Tascam US-2400 ?

Dan Tepper dan at wintaper.com
Sun Jun 25 21:27:57 PDT 2006

Thanks for all the good info -- unfortunately it looks like the bigger 
problem is actually getting hold of one -- apparently they were 
discontinued and are now extremely tough to find. Oh well, hopefully 
they'll replace it with something similar, though somehow I doubt it.

Sampo Savolainen wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 11:44 -0400, Dan Tepper wrote:
>> Pardon my lack of knowledge in these areas...
>> The Tascam site indicates that the US-2400 works with ProTools, Logic, 
>> Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Digital Performer**. According to the owners 
>> manual, the Tascam US2400 operates in several modes...
>> 1. HUI mode
>> 2. Mackie Control (Sonar)
>> 3. Mackie Control (Digital Performer)
>> 4. Mackie Control (Logic)
>> 5. Native mode
> There probably will be a some sort of Mackie Control controller module
> in the future. I can't predict how soon or far away thought. But
> probably not so soon that I would build a studio surrounding one just
> yet.
>> I have no idea what "native mode" means, I assume the others indicate 
>> some sort of Mackie emulation mode. I'm hoping this would mean that if 
>> Mackie surfaces work with Ardour that the Tascam would also work with it.
> Native mode sounds a bit like it being able to run as a class compliant
> USB device - which is good for Linux. But you can't be certain, the
> language is way to vague.
>> Or, conversely, if Ardour works like any of the aforementioned packages 
>> that it should also work.
>> Anybody have any thoughts?
> I have a thought: go to a dealer and tell them that you want to try it
> out. Test it and tell us if it works! If it doesn't work, take it back
> to the store.
> I'm sure there are others who are interested in this piece of gear - it
> does seem like a very good option to run digital mixing with.
> Like I said in the previous email: there is no controller module for 2.0
> yet, but the normal midi CC operation works fine both in the 0.99.x
> series and SVN versions of 2.0. Thus, you should be able to get 80% of
> the thing working. And that 80% would probably contain the faders and
> pots you wanted working anyway.
> For a tip on how to start using it: create a session with 24 tracks and
> assign each gain fader and panners and assign the master controls as
> well. Then save that session as a template. Binding 24 tracks is a lot
> of work, you will want to do this only once.

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