[ardour-users] Tascam US-2400 ?

Sampo Savolainen v2 at iki.fi
Sun Jun 25 13:53:43 PDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 11:44 -0400, Dan Tepper wrote:
> Pardon my lack of knowledge in these areas...
> The Tascam site indicates that the US-2400 works with ProTools, Logic, 
> Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Digital Performer**. According to the owners 
> manual, the Tascam US2400 operates in several modes...
> 1. HUI mode
> 2. Mackie Control (Sonar)
> 3. Mackie Control (Digital Performer)
> 4. Mackie Control (Logic)
> 5. Native mode

There probably will be a some sort of Mackie Control controller module
in the future. I can't predict how soon or far away thought. But
probably not so soon that I would build a studio surrounding one just

> I have no idea what "native mode" means, I assume the others indicate 
> some sort of Mackie emulation mode. I'm hoping this would mean that if 
> Mackie surfaces work with Ardour that the Tascam would also work with it.

Native mode sounds a bit like it being able to run as a class compliant
USB device - which is good for Linux. But you can't be certain, the
language is way to vague.

> Or, conversely, if Ardour works like any of the aforementioned packages 
> that it should also work.
> Anybody have any thoughts?

I have a thought: go to a dealer and tell them that you want to try it
out. Test it and tell us if it works! If it doesn't work, take it back
to the store.

I'm sure there are others who are interested in this piece of gear - it
does seem like a very good option to run digital mixing with.

Like I said in the previous email: there is no controller module for 2.0
yet, but the normal midi CC operation works fine both in the 0.99.x
series and SVN versions of 2.0. Thus, you should be able to get 80% of
the thing working. And that 80% would probably contain the faders and
pots you wanted working anyway.

For a tip on how to start using it: create a session with 24 tracks and
assign each gain fader and panners and assign the master controls as
well. Then save that session as a template. Binding 24 tracks is a lot
of work, you will want to do this only once.

Sampo Savolainen <v2 at iki.fi>

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