[ardour-users] Tascam US-2400 ?

Dan Tepper dan at wintaper.com
Sun Jun 25 08:44:40 PDT 2006

Pardon my lack of knowledge in these areas...

The Tascam site indicates that the US-2400 works with ProTools, Logic, 
Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo and Digital Performer**. According to the owners 
manual, the Tascam US2400 operates in several modes...

1. HUI mode
2. Mackie Control (Sonar)
3. Mackie Control (Digital Performer)
4. Mackie Control (Logic)
5. Native mode

I have no idea what "native mode" means, I assume the others indicate 
some sort of Mackie emulation mode. I'm hoping this would mean that if 
Mackie surfaces work with Ardour that the Tascam would also work with it.

Or, conversely, if Ardour works like any of the aforementioned packages 
that it should also work.

Anybody have any thoughts?

-Dan Tepper

PS: I don't much care about the joystick, what I really need to work is 
simply the faders and pan pots.

Sampo Savolainen wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 09:05 -0400, Dan Tepper wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm looking to add a mixing surface to my ardour setup. I've looked at a 
>> few but the one I tend to like is the Tascam US-2400. So I am wondering 
>> if...
>> 1) Is Ardour compatible with the US-2400?
> Ardour has supported MIDI control surfaces for a long time. Channel
> gain, panners and plugin parameters can all be assigned to midi CC's
> (control-changes). Also, Ardour supports MMC / MTC, so it's a question
> of whether the US-2400 supports them as well.
> If you are using Linux, you might run into issues if the device is a
> non-standard USB device. Which it very well could be. I've heard no
> reports of people using the US-2400 and there is no mention of it on the
> alsa support page for Tascam devices
> http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Tascam#matrix
>> 2) If so, where can I find setup instructions?
> You might find useful information on this page
> http://www.ardour.org/manual/control_surfaces/bcf2000
> The most important thing you need to know is ctrl-middleclick'ing. If
> you do that on a fader, panner or a plugin parameter, ardour will pop up
> a dialog requesting you to move a fader to associate that control with
> the parameter. The moment ardour receives a CC, the type of CC will be
> associated to the parameter.
>> 3) Has anyone used this piece or have any input on this/other surfaces?
> I've only drooled over pictures of the US-2400.

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