[ardour-users] Tascam US-2400 ?

Sampo Savolainen v2 at iki.fi
Mon Jun 12 08:01:14 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 09:05 -0400, Dan Tepper wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking to add a mixing surface to my ardour setup. I've looked at a 
> few but the one I tend to like is the Tascam US-2400. So I am wondering 
> if...
> 1) Is Ardour compatible with the US-2400?

Ardour has supported MIDI control surfaces for a long time. Channel
gain, panners and plugin parameters can all be assigned to midi CC's
(control-changes). Also, Ardour supports MMC / MTC, so it's a question
of whether the US-2400 supports them as well.

If you are using Linux, you might run into issues if the device is a
non-standard USB device. Which it very well could be. I've heard no
reports of people using the US-2400 and there is no mention of it on the
alsa support page for Tascam devices

> 2) If so, where can I find setup instructions?

You might find useful information on this page

The most important thing you need to know is ctrl-middleclick'ing. If
you do that on a fader, panner or a plugin parameter, ardour will pop up
a dialog requesting you to move a fader to associate that control with
the parameter. The moment ardour receives a CC, the type of CC will be
associated to the parameter.

> 3) Has anyone used this piece or have any input on this/other surfaces?

I've only drooled over pictures of the US-2400.

Sampo Savolainen <v2 at iki.fi>

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