[ardour-users] ardour crash in splice mode

Orm Finnendahl finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de
Thu Jun 8 08:15:17 PDT 2006

Hi all,

as an update: today I doublechecked with Nuendo: Nuendo has 2 modes:
One is called "event" mode and is identical to ardour's slide
mode. The other mode is called "shuffle" and works like no. 3. in the
list below. This is the mode, I miss the most.

> Am 07. Juni 2006, 11:38 Uhr (-0400) schrieb Paul Davis:
>> i was thinking more along the following lines: click in a track between
>> two regions - it defines the range and switches into range mode. delete
>> then cuts the area. global settings define whether only the adjacent
>> region moves or later regions as well.
> Then we would have five cases for the global settings:
> 1. all regions get concatenated, even regions before the edit,
>    shifting the edited point backwards in the track (current slice
>    mode behaviour).
> 2. only regions after the edit get concatenated in the track.
> 3. all regions after the edit get shifted by the amount of
>    cut/inserted time.
> 4. only local change, shifting all regions which are
>    adjacent to the current region.
> 5. No change (current slide mode behaviour).
> Adjacent in the 4th case should be defined as "a continuous area of
> adjacent or overlapping regions" in order to keep crossfades right to
> the edit in place.
> --
> Orm

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