[ardour-users] NRPNs

John Anderson ardour at semiosix.com
Tue Jul 18 09:14:12 PDT 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 09:22 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 15:18 +0200, John Anderson wrote:
> > It seems like ardour (0.99.3) doesn't like NRPN messages from midi 
> > control surfaces (a bcf2000 to be exact). Is this in the code, or am I 
> > doing something wrong?
> what does it do or not do?

Ah, no quick answer then ;-)

I Ctrl-middle-click to bind the control (a bus fader), which works Ok.
Or at least the "operate midi controller" dialog goes away when I move
the hardware fader. Then when I move the hardware fader, I get this
output (with Trace Input and Trace Output enabled)

bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 6 Value 121
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 99 Value 0
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 98 Value 7
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 6 Value 123
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 99 Value 0
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 98 Value 7
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 6 Value 125
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 99 Value 0
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 98 Value 7
bcf input: Channel 1 Controller 6 Value 127

These seem to be correct for NRPNs according to www.midi.org. I can hunt
down the exact URL if that would be useful.

But the bus fader doesn't move. I suspect it may be because 3 midi
messages are sent by the controller for each event instead of 1?


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