[ardour-users] what does DESTROY really do here?

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Sat Jan 28 17:10:32 PST 2006

It seems to me that you can split the region into 2 segments (i.e., at
the trim spot) and destroy the unwanted file (right click the unwanted
segment and click destroy which is on the bottom of the context menu).
This should remove the file from your disk as I understand it.


On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 18:51 -0600, David Slimp wrote:
> Tim,
> Thanks for the reply, but I think I may have not made it clear
> as to what I want...
> I have just recorded a single audio file
> which has silence at the beginning and the end which I
> want to trim off (DESTROY), only keeping the middle part.
> I think you got the impression I wanted to keep the beginning
> and then end.... and get rid of the middle.
> Ultimately.. my question is:
>      Is it possible to DESTROY the trimmed off regions of
> an audio file so they no longer take up disk space?
> If that is not possible, then perhaps it could be achieved
> through exporting, bouncing, or something similar, but
> that seems like a lot of extra steps.  It seems that many
> artists would have a need for trimming off some "lead in"
> and "lead out" audio from a freshly recorded bit of audio,
> and so I thought there MUST be an easier way to do this
> than to trim out a region and bounce it.  Also, it doesn't
> sound like bouncing would be lossless from the original
> bit of audio, but rather that some other processing would
> (might) also be applied (which I don't want to happen).
> Does that better explain my question?
> Thanks,
> David
> On 1/28/06, Tim Mayberry <tmayberr at redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Removing a section of audio from an audio file like you describe is a
> > > little tricky as there are at least three ways I can think of doing what
> > > you want and that is either to create a new file that contains the end
> > > section and truncate the first somehow, create just one new file and
> > > copy the bits you want to keep from both sections of the original file
> > > that you want to keep and then change modify the audio regions to
> > > reflect positions of the audio within that new file or probably what is
> > > the easiest thing which is just create two new files containing the
> > > regions you want to keep and delete the original file.
> > >
> > > There is also the possibility of removing sections of the audio file in
> > > place so that no new files need to be created but I'm not sure how to do
> > > that.
> > >
> > > The last method might be possible at the moment in ardour, I'm on the
> > > wrong machine to test this out though so I can't tell you if it does.
> >
> > Sorry, I meant the method that might be possible currently in ardour is
> > the create two new files and mark the original for deletion method and
> > not the in-place destructive method.
> >
> > Tim.
> >
> >
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Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>

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