[ardour-users] Ardour Icon

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Tue Jan 24 13:27:28 PST 2006

My opinion about the icon:
It is nice and I like the orange, but:

I have used and packaged a few times this icon, and I believe it is a 
bit too complex. When displayed is small format, it is hardly 
recognizable. There are too much small lines, and too much details.
  I believe the graphics should be much more simple, though 
distinctive. Some kind of simple symbol or simple shape.

When using the first icon, the first thing I did was a lot of Ctrl-L 
in inkscape, and removing 70% of the nodes in the central waveform.


Ben Powers a écrit :
> So you may remember the icon I made for ardour awhile back:
> http://www.out-of-order.ca/images/Ardour-Record-Blue-2.svg
> Back then, the main criticism was that it had not enough distinction,  
> it was not recognizeable as an "Ardour" icon. So I've experimented  with 
> the design a bit, taking Jesse Chappell's idea of adding the  letter a. 
> This is what I've come up with in about 30 minutes of playing:
> I think it needs a bit of tweaking in the colours. I had an idea to  
> maybe put the 'wings' of the waveform on top of the A, but keep the  top 
> and bottom of the waveform behind, like wildstyle graffitti.
> Feel free to muck around - (c) ben powers cc by-sa 2.0canada
>     Blessed Be,
>                 Bennyp

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