[ardour-users] Normalize in Ardour .99 osx not working

Matthew Polashek matt at tinysongs.com
Mon Jan 23 19:06:53 PST 2006

Yes, they show lots and lots of red after normalizing.  It's the 
normalize that's causing it.

*Matthew Polashek*
Home e-mail: matt at tinysongs.com
URL: www.tinysongs.com

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Paul Davis wrote:

>On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 21:57 -0500, Matthew Polashek wrote:
>>Oh, normalize is cranking my regions into distortion.  It's not usable
>>right now.  Anyone have any ideas what's going on with that?
>do the regions show red clip marks? if not, there is no clipping going
>on for the audio fed into the signal processing stream; instead the 
>gain on the track is likely not set to 0dB. please check and let us
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