[ardour-users] Distortion on Export

Steve Fosdick lists at pelvoux.nildram.co.uk
Mon Jan 16 15:06:46 PST 2006

I have a recording in ardour which sounds fine when played from within ardour but if I export the session to a file the audio in the exported file is noticably distorted even when played on exactly the same hardware.

I have tried exporting 16 and 24 bit linear, floating point with and without dithering and with and without sample rate conversion and it still sounds distorted.

None of the peak-hold indicators in the mixer window show red and I have even tried moving the slider on the single recorded track and the master bus down by 3db each but still the exported file is distorted.

Can anyone suggest anything?

The version numbers are: ardour 0.99, ardour/gtk 0.604.3, libardour 0.901.2


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