[ardour-users] Control surface... what is planned ?

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Mon Jan 2 09:13:33 PST 2006

On 1/2/06, MAtt <matt_0pr at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Does someone have an idea about future implementation of control
> surfaces with ardour ? Is it planned to have a "selected channel" stuff
> 'à la' cubase ? Will it be possible to control, for example, the EQ and
> comp plugin (ladspa AND vst) of the selected channel ?

The scope of ardour's future control surface support is still open to
discussion.  But for small surfaces I can see that a notion of
controls that affect the "selected channel" would be quite useful. 
What control surface do you have?

> I'm working with ardour compiled on a demudi distro with vst support,
> for all my "little" projects, and with cubase, but i can't work with
> ardour for my big projects for the lack is this domain. However, the
> linux environment is FAR better than these damned ASIO drivers, and I
> hope the control via midi will be soon working with ardour/jack, etc...

If your midi controller has presets, you might be able to set up
something to control a large session today, but it will take a bit of
effort.  If you can explain how Cubase allows you to do what you want
with your controller, it will help define some features for the future


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