[ardour-users] Songs tosted by the zoom tool.

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Wed Feb 8 18:56:54 PST 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 20:34 -0600, Brian Dunn wrote:
> first, let me just say that Ardour is the most exciting and sweet
> piece of sound software available for linux.  Recently i've been
> laying down some of the songs me and my wife have written, and on two
> seperate occasions my songs have become unstable. by unstable i mean
> the files loaded, closed, and saved just fine for a long time, then
> while using the zoom tool and rolling the mouse wheel ardour would
> crash.  Ardour would still load up and run just fine after that, but
> whenever i tried to open the songs it crashed on, it would look for a
> split second like it had loaded properly, and then ardour would crash
> again.  This can be repeated ad nauseum.  Many hours went into one of
> these songs. is there any way to fix it?

there is, but it will be a bit of work.

first things first: are you using any plugins at all? 
seconds things second: how did you install ardour? what distribution?
which kernel?

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