[ardour-users] Sox problems

Kjetil S. Matheussen kjetil at ccrma.stanford.edu
Wed Nov 23 12:21:36 PST 2005

Thomas Vecchione:
> So I am trying to convert a file from a .raw(Specificly the raw data
> from a SD2 file) to a .wav in sox.  I know the file is good because i
> can convert it with audacity fine, but because I have about... oh 1000
> of these to conver tI would rather not do it by hand, thus I am trying
> to write a script to do it, but I cant seem to get sox to convert the
> file correctly and was wondering if anyone could give me what they think
> should be the working commanline for it.  Right now it converts the
> file, but into nothing useful..
> In Audacity the settings are a Signed 16-bit PCM, Big-Endian, 2 Channel
> Stereo, 0 offset, 100 % import, and 44100 samplerate.
> Now in sox I try all this, sox -t .sw -r 44100 -c 2 -x File Outputfile

I don't know sox that well, but I recently used the following line to do 
the same conversion as you:
sox -s -w -c 2 -r 44100 -t raw infile -t wav -r 44100 outfile


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