[ardour-users] OS Question

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Thu Nov 3 18:55:43 PST 2005

Just to add my 2 pennies here.

I am running my studio computer with a delta 1010LT. This works
perfectly and the envy24 controller is very easy to work with. All of
this was magically included in the PlanetCCRMA packages, so don't worry
about the ALSA/OSS stuff. Just go to the Planet and follow the EXCELLENT
step by step directions.

Please note that the delta 1010LT has only 2 balanced inputs with 8
other unbalanced inputs. This is great for me as I generally only record
through a stereo preamp. 

Cedega runs many many window$ games without difficulty. They list all of
the compat games on their site. 

I have had no trouble running Crossover even on my studio machine. This
runs M$ Office and Quicken without any problems at all.

I am interested to hear that external USB2 drives work well with Ardour.
I would've assumed that the transfer rate was too slow. I'll have to try
this out! 

I have my music partition on a separate physical drive from the rest of
my OS. This has been recommended on several sites and these
recommendations have been echoed in this thread.

So why are you using VNC to access your samba shares, by the way? Why
don't you simply mount them when needed? There should be absolutely no
problem accessing this server across different distros of linux. 

Good luck - this is an interesting thread! 

-Joe D

On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 11:25 -0800, 7lb9oz Productions wrote:
> Hello again, 
> Thanks for all of the informative replies, I think
> that I may have it all about sorted out now.  I just
> have a few follow-up questions to completely set my
> mind at ease:
> > 2) Use the existing kernel or build one with patches
> > of your own choice.
> But should I boot into this patched kernel only for
> audio work?  Does the realtime LSM present any
> security risk, or did I in fact only immagine reading
> this, (Very possible).
> > 5) Try standard Wine or Crossover for your one
> > Windows program. You might get lucky and find it 
> > works. (What program is it? Look at the
> > Wine AppDb to determine if others already have it
> > working.
> I think that if it is required, I can do without
> vmware for this program.  It is just an interactive
> mathematics program that basically just connects to a
> server and runs flash lessons, (it is an online math
> class), this seems to be something that could either
> be done another way, or if I have to it is small, I
> will simply run it in the windows OS.
> > 6) Try Cedega Wine for any games you might want to
> > play.
> This one is no problem for me.  The games are all for
> my 3 yr old son, he is the only reason I still use
> windows at all, and it is only for things like
> Mechwarrior, (aka the robot game), or BattleFront,
> (aka the stormtrooper game), so I am cool with dual
> booting for that purpose.
> Another reply that I got suggested that I "install one
> OS and set up different runlevels" - I have a fairly
> good idea of what this would do, but can someone point
> me to the proper documentation for how to  set it up? 
> Also, it was suggested that vnc could cause problems,
> but I am not allowing this machines desktop to be
> remotely accessed, I am only using it to remotely
> access the samba server, does that make any
> difference?  What potential problems could vnc cause?
> And the last question, (I think), will switching from
> ubuntu to fedora core alter/affect the way I access my
> samba server?  Because the samba server also runs
> ubuntu, and it was a bit of a chore to get set up, but
> it is literally just sitting there waiting for me to
> either put data on it, or get data off...so that would
> not be an issue big enough to prevent the switch.  I
> cant even see a way in which it would be affected, but
> I would just like to be sure.
> Thank you all again, I am slowly but surely getting
> there.
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Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>

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