[ardour-users] Debian linux install

Michel Luc mluc at cern91.net
Mon Jun 13 16:20:28 PDT 2005

Le lundi 13 juin 2005 à 18:21 -0300, Thomaz Oliveira a écrit :
> Hello I trying to install Ardour to my debian distrubution linux
> What is the best way to do that
 May be Agnula demudi is the best way to use Ardour on Debian

> are there any *.deb packages online??
 On sarge or sid
# apt-get install ardour-gtk jackd qjackctl

> thnks very much

Michel Luc mluc at cern91.net | http://www.cern91.net/
 GAULE, LUG de l'Essonne:  http://gaule.org/
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