[ardour-users] exporting tracks?

Kevin Cosgrove kevinc at doink.com
Wed Apr 20 20:50:38 PDT 2005

I just tried to export a stereo track from one of my ardour sessions. 
Export is 44.1kHz stereo WAV.  It looks like it started working at 
least since I do have a file of the right type and name where I told 
ardour to export.  But, my load average is above 8 now, and it's been 
maybe 10 minutes since exporting 5 minutes of track.  I'm running 
beta28 on a 2GHz Celeron with 1GB of RAM and oodles of disk.  This 
just doesn't seem right.  Any advice folks?

If I can get my computer to respond to me again, then maybe I'll try 
and kill ardour.  But, nothing much seems to respond all that well at 
the moment.  ;-)



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