[ardour-users] chunks?

Aaron aamehl at actcom.net.il
Wed Sep 29 02:43:31 PDT 2004


I understand now, 

On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 10:59, Zachris Trolin wrote:
> tis 2004-09-28 klockan 23.19 skrev Aaron:
> > Hi,
> > I just joined the group and am starting to get the hang of Ardour.
> > Thanks to the developers for a great program.
> > 
> > 
> > Another question was if I must add effect to a track or can I add
> > effects to an object.
> > 
> > I have a lot of little pieces and it seems a bit of a waste to give them
> > all seperate tracks inorder to add effects.
> Just do as you would in a mixing board, or any other DAW(like Pro Tools)
> create a aux track and put the effect as an insert or put the effect as
> an insert in the track as it is, but this is less flexible. Then just
> route and mix your tracks and effects. 
> If you would like to use an abnormal amount of effect, and you haven't
> got fast(is in processor) enough computer you can always record the
> output of the effect"bus"/aux in a track and then take it from there,
> thus trading flexibility for more processing power. 
> I think it's a reasonable way of doing it, just compose groups of tracks
> as you would like to have them, then "apply" the effects, i.e send audio
> to the effect tracks. Then mix in any way you like, much effects, little
> effects, automatized effects etc. If you arrange it smart it will
> actually be very efficient and flexible which probably is the point -
> how else would you create easy to work with automatized effects, how
> else can you try out mixes without having to "render" everything over
> and over again, only to waste time and disc space. 
> --
> Your other questions I can't answer. I too think regions, as they are
> now, easily becomes a mess and have never found any way to use "chunks"
> - inserting them never worked so I can only guess whatever they may be
> used for :)  
> Hope this helps/z
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