[ardour-users] Advice for RME Hammerfall DSP Cardbus Card

Timm Helbig Timm.Helbig at thjo.de
Sat Oct 23 07:24:49 PDT 2004


maybe this is the wrong list. If so, please tell me.

Currently I'm looking for a mobile recording solution. The laptop is a 
Compaq Presario 1800 with a 800 Mhz CPU and 192 MB Memory. This will 
be used only for recording. 

My question now is: Are there any lacks in support with the RME 
Cardbus Card? I noticed messages about general problems with 
registers earlier this year, but these seems to be fixed. I looked 
the ardour mailing lists, but couldn't find some issues.

Does anyone have some experience with this card? I just want to be 
sure before buying. To use the OS from Redmond is not an option ;)


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