[ardour-users] OT: jack install problem for Ardour

Wolfgang Woehl tito at rumford.de
Mon Jul 5 01:37:58 PDT 2004

Them <idragosani at chapelperilous.net>:
> Jim Dory wrote:
> > Next, I try a ./configure and get this:
> > ./configure: line 1150: config.log: Permission denied
> > Perhaps it is a simple permissions problem. I can configure jack as
> > root, but I get that error as a user.
> Did you extract the tarball as root or as a different user than what
> you are building with?  You ultimately need to be root to install
> anyway...

Permissions indeed. There is no sane reason to unpack, configure and 
make as root. (Side note on "make install": Use checkinstall to build 
rpms or debs. Makes life a lot easier.)


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