[ardour-users] Re: can you crossfade between two tracks in the ardour mixer?

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Tue Aug 31 07:59:33 PDT 2004

andy wrote on Fri, 27-Aug-2004:

 > >> Your best bet is to talk someone into writing a 4-in 2-out ladspa plugin
 > >> that will do the crossfade.  Then you can just use the plugin's
 > >> parameter for control or automation.   You would insert it into
 > >> a 4-input, 2-output bus, which you would connect as above. 
 > >> 
 > >> It would be a very easy plugin to write, steve harris could crank it out in a 
 > >> matter of minutes.... it might take me a few more.
 > He's said he'll write one - I'll post something if I get it working.
I worked with Steve to get it working.  He will be making a CVS
snapshot of the latest swh-plugins that you can download (or he
sent you a binary .so).
There are two version, a 4-in/2-out and a 4-in/4-out.  You want to use
the 4->4 plugin in ardour, and add it to a 4-in/2-out bus.  You
will see 4 stereo panners in the strip, and you should pan them,
hard L,R,L,R.  Then route your stereo input A to the first two
channels, and input B to the second 2 channels of the bus.  The
plugin single control will then xfade the way you want.


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