[ardour-users] A hundred tracks and counting...

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Tue Aug 24 09:16:38 PDT 2004

josh wrote on Tue, 24-Aug-2004:

 > josh wrote:
 > > Well, I'm in full-swing recording a rock/pop record on Ardour.
 > And FWIW, I'm running 0.9beta11.
 > I have not "upgraded" for fear of running into an issue and not being 
 > able to use the session files in the version that I've found to be 
 > stable. That's why I want to wait until I finish tracking to upgrade. At 
 > this point, Ardour 0.9beta11 is working fine for tracking.

Depending on when you started this was probably a good choice
at the time.  However, see below...

 > If anyone has any advice as to whether I should reconsider my plan of 
 > waiting to upgrade until after I am finished tracking, then lay it on 
 > me. Looks like there have been a LOT of feature upgrades, stability 
 > fixes, etc., since 0.9beta11 but 1.0 is on the horizon so that seems 
 > like the time to make the switch.
If you want to do any pre-mixing at all I strongly suggest you
upgrade to 0.9beta19 now.  Specifically, the panning implementation
is more powerful (and correct), and all things related to
automation are much more useful.  

It's been so long since i've used beta11 that I don't even remember
what other critically important things have been added or fixed

However, note that if you do upgrade now, you should back up all
of your sessions (the .ardour files at least), and leave a copy
of beta11 installed.  Once you take the plunge, the new sessions
will not open in the older version.

The current beta19 has proven to be pretty stable by all the current
users, and if you do run into problems, the developers (of which
I am one) can help overcome them for the latest version (but not so, 
if you get stuck with a show-stopper in the old version).


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