[ardour-users] "draw gain automation" button vs. gain automation strip

Jody McIntyre ardour at modernduck.com
Thu Aug 12 10:48:26 PDT 2004

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 01:21:13PM -0400, Jesse Chappell wrote:

> Double-click to add an automation point on an automation strip.

That doesn't work in the latest CVS snapshot at least.  (Ardour/GTK
0.530.0 running with libardour 0.828.0)

> The "draw gain automation" button is a bit mislabeled.  what it
> actually does is put the mouse into region-envelope drawing mode,
> to draw gain curve inside individual regions.  see the Envelope
> items in the region popup editor to activate/hide/show them.

OK, that makes sense.  I suggest renaming it to "draw region gain
envelope" or something.  This feature actually matches my needs (ducking
transient pops from lapel mics) better than the automation strip anyway
so I'll use it :)

The ENVELOPE "visible" button in the popup editor is a bit intermittent
for me.  On one region I just tested it works fine, but on another, it
does nothing.  The only way to see the envelope is to hover over it in
"gain" mode.

Now that I've opened the region editor, how do I close it?


> jlc


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