[Ardour-Dev] out-of-process plug-ins

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at linuxuse.de
Wed Jan 30 04:13:00 PST 2013

Am 29.01.2013 13:59, schrieb Paul Davis:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine <
> alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just my stupid curiosity... Is it possible to make LADSPA/LV2/etc.
>> plugins run in a separate process, so that any crashes would not bring
>> Ardour on its knees? It's what Bitwig claims to do regarding VST.
> it is possible. but as i've explained numerous time on createdigitalmusic
> and elsewhere, this does not scale.
> if you want to run 2 VST plugins like this, its fine. if you want
> EQ+Compression for every track in an N-track session, its like 1 JACK
> client per plugin, and adds notable CPU load.

So it would be nice, to have a choice here OK?
Such as: foo lookahead limiter never crashed on me so I run it
in-process so I do with several others that have proven to be rock-solid.

Now I have something like an experimental synth-beta that crashes from
time to time. What about provide a button "Set up external plugin" that
does as follows:

1.) start a new jack-client to host the plugin in question
2.) provide a button to access this host running the plugin from within
3.) connect the plugin to the mixer as you would do it with any given
stand-alone (Guitarix, Zynadd etc)
4.) store the setup in the session-file to make sure, it is loaded next

I think, to control/automate such a plugin from within Ardour would not
be the most simple thing to do but anyway: is it possible?

best regards


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