[Ardour-Dev] translators!

Philippe Demartin phdemartin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 06:16:18 PST 2013

Ok, it was just to help you think out of the box, I speak more than 4
languages and they are like nets to apprehend the reality, but  some times,
the mesh don't coincide between those language and you simply can't say
thing the same way.

Excuse me fore this interruption, and thank a lot for Ardour

A thankful user and contributor

2013/1/3 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com>

> There is absolutely no need to talk to users in a robotic language :)
> In 99,99% cases this can be perfectly handled by ngettext.
> Alexandre
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Philippe Demartin <phdemartin at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Find another way to say it ex: "Bus creation : Failed"
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Philippe Demartin

Mail:           phdemartin at gmail.com
Web:            www.demartinenchile.com
tel:            +56 32 277 20 53
Cel:            +56 9 9 278 28 68
Skype:          phdemart
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