[Ardour-Dev] Getting Involved

David Halter davidhalter88 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 08:39:43 PDT 2011

Hello Ardour Devs

I'd like getting involved with bugfixing and development. I already cloned
the SVN repo into git. It's all working fine, but I have no clue where to
I discovered Mantis, maybe I could help there. But I also don't know where
to post patches (haven't seen any documentation about that), since I have no
access to the repository.

Besides: If someone could help me get started a little bit... That would be
nice! I'd like to know the tips and tricks to fast developement in ardour.


2011/8/6 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com>

> On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 3:24 PM, rosea grammostola wrote:
> > I agree for 98% with you. But don't you think that we should do both? I
> am
> > not talking about a advertising campaign, but don't you think that a
> active
> > Ardour account on social media could help to make people aware of the
> > possibilities of Ardour and Linux for music production in general? It's a
> > nice way to inform people about the plans and progress of Ardour 3 for
> > instance. MuseScore is proven that it works as we speak.
> OK. @ardour was taken, so now there is http://twitter.com/#!/ardourdaw
> I'm setting up updating the feed from ardour.org's RSS via ping.fm
> right now, and it's possible to add more networks to ping
> automatically. I'll be happy to pass administration of both accounts
> to Paul (when he's back from vacation), Carl or Thomas.
> Alexandre Prokoudine
> http://libregraphicsworld.org
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