[Ardour-Dev] ardour2 crashes when changing zoom

Pau Arumí pau.arumi at barcelonamedia.org
Mon Apr 26 03:33:08 PDT 2010

we are having consistent crashes while editing sessions with
multi-channel tracks and buses (where multi-channel means something like
22). It is reproduced when changing the horizontal zoom. We are using
last A2 svn revision. Full description, an offending session and full
backtrace in this report:

On March 16th (mail "ardour hangs loading a session") Paul already gave
the workaround of editing the value of ~/.ardour2/instant.xml. This
effectively repairs the session, but not change the chances of having a
new crash when touching the zoom.

We'd appreciate any clue on how to solve this, even hints on what source
code we should debug.


Pau Arumí

Barcelona Media - Innovation Centre 
Av. Diagonal 177, planta 9, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 93 238 1400  

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