[Ardour-Dev] Licensing and enforced payments

Patrick Shirkey pshirkey at boosthardware.com
Thu Jan 22 04:15:36 PST 2009

Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 06:25:48PM +0700, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>> The shock value alone will resonate much more than a humble little plea for 
>> donations and subscriptions.
> It may resonate, but that doesn't imply the
> sound will be a pleasure to hear.

I agree. But considering the various kinds of music that is made around 
here that may not be such a problem for many people ;-)

>> Every single time you respond to me you try to suggest I am an idiot.
> I don't think this is true (in both senses: you are not an idiot
> and Joern is not suggesting you are).

Well, thank you for your kind words.
>> If it happens again I'm going to buy a ticket to LAC just so
>> I can fight you face to face.
> You're welcome at the LAC, but I'll tolerate no
> violence there.

To be clear I am hoping that it will not come to that point. I am trying 
not to get into fights these days. It's not good for my family.

>> There is absolutely no reason that Ardour cannot be a
>> completely integrated solution for the entire "business"
>> of making audio with Ardour.
> True. The way to make money then is the same one
> that allows people to make money on Linux itself.
> For a 'business' user, a DAW is just an investment
> as would be a km of mic cable. Its cost will be
> compared to whatever revenue it will create, and
> if the balance looks positive they will probably 
> be prepared to put up the money.
> Cost, in this case, means *time* spend installing,
> integrating, maintaining, upgrading, traning, etc.
> So you provide services for that, and make people
> pay for them. Not for the software itself. 

This is one arrow in the quiver.

There is also a lot of money to be made from the so called "long tail".

All the little bits that people spend occasionally. With a large user 
base Ardour can make a significant revenue from this source.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.

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