[Ardour-Dev] Need a 32 bit Ardour (with VSTs) on an x86_64 linux system

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sun Nov 30 13:24:45 PST 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 16:13 -0500, Mike Mazarick wrote:

> 3.      Why are VSTs suddenly so important to me?   I’ll leave aside
> comments about their general usefulness and pervasiveness for the time
> being.   I’m building a ‘home version’ of a Wave Field Synthesis
> system with 32 channels.

Hah. For 6 months, I'm at the TU in berlin. The TU has the biggest WFS
system in the world (for now). 40 sources, 2700 speakers, powered by 16
computers, playback system = Ardour + JACK.

no windows VST's in sight :)

in addition, one of linux audio's hard core geniuses and host of next
years LA Conference, also works on a fairly big WFS system in which
ardour & JACK are key components, again with no VST. in fact someone
told me (they may not be correct) that every WFS *installation*
worldwide at present runs on top of JACK (note: installation means
something built and installed somewhere other than a research lab or
home experiment).

> I find it very interesting that you guys are on the same wavelength
> with the Wiimote, because eventually I’d like to have the ability to
> move ‘virtual’ sources around with a Wiimote to new locations, but

you're likely to find the work that i am doing over the next 2 months
with an iphone much more interesting than the wiimote. Maybe.

the TU guys are already using an iphone to control their own WFS system;
i'm working on adding it as a complete UI for ardour itself (it already
works for all transport control, per route solo/mute/rec-enable/gain,
and will soon cover panning in some form or another.


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