[Ardour-Dev] OSC sequencing with Ardour?

Pau Arumí parumi at iua.upf.edu
Sun May 18 02:50:37 PDT 2008

On dg, 2008-05-18 at 13:09 +0900, michael noble wrote:
> excuse the interjection by a non-dev, but there was a set of ladspa to
> osc bridge plugins posted to the linux audio user list some time ago
> that I think does at least some of what you are looking for.  you can
> find them at http://code.google.com/p/noisesmith-linux-audio/downloads/detail?name=ladosc.tar.bz2&can=2&q=
> and there is a tutorial in the tarball
> -michael

This is an excellent starting point. 
Thanks Michael for the pointer!


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