[Ardour-Dev] Trying to use the Ardour library outside of Ardour

John Emmas johne53 at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 23:19:35 PDT 2007

I might be misinformed - but doesn't Ardour have a "destructive record" mode
where you can bounce channels into (let's say) a stereo WAV, increasing its
size as you go along?

Admittedly, you'd probably still end up with a 48KHz WAV but if the
destructive record mode exists, most users would find it much more intuitive
to render their projects that way.  All you'd then need to write would be a
filter to sample rate convert the finished WAV to 44.1KHz.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Jones" <mdjones0978-ardour at yahoo.com>
To: "Ardour Development" <ardour-dev at lists.ardour.org>
Sent: 01 August 2007 04:39
Subject: [Ardour-Dev] Trying to use the Ardour library outside of Ardour

> I'm trying to build a renderer for Ardour projects.  I'm wanting to come
> up with something that
> will render part of a project into a wav file.  Then when invoked a little
> later, render the next
> part, and so on and so forth.  Then I want to merge the resulting wav
> files into one wav file.  My
> plan is to render around the start and stop points and find a place where
> they wav files sync up
> (so that effects and the like don't make for bad clicks and pops and
> whatever else my go wrong
> with a bad start/stop point).
> Also, I'm rendering down from 48KHz to 44.1 and from many channels to
> stereo.
> I've got part of the code done, but it seems like I keep running into
> roadblocks.  This last
> roadblock I've run up against is when_engine_running() which just seems to
> sit there waiting for
> something (I'll figure out what tomorrow, after some sleep)
> I'm just wondering if I'm going at this all wrong.  My problem is I need
> to be through rendering
> to stereo very soon after mixing and I'm still working on mixing while all
> this rendering is going
> on.  So the plan of rendering (on another machine) while mixing on this
> machine seemed like the
> only way to get the job done.  I need the apects of Ardour to do the
> mixdown, because I've got
> fades and effects and everything else that I need to play into the actual
> render.
> Any ideas on where to start with this?  I don't see how to render on the
> same machine because of
> the Jack issues (freewheeling while exporting, realtime while mixing)
> Mark Jones
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