[ardour-dev] jack/ardour application extension(s)

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Tue Feb 20 09:40:11 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

I was wondering about *non-audio* data and JACK.. in order to have some
jack-apps share settings *in sync* with audio-frames. It'd be nice if
the each audio-buffer (jack_position_t) had an optional pointer to
pre-allocated jack-memory, that could hold a generic or standard data
format (eg. SMPTE start,end, noise/peak/.. analysis results,..) valid
for the current cycle.

For now, OSC or even LASH might be good enough for most apps, but it
seems to be the a good solution for video-jack if there'd be
video-latency, video-frame-count and more generic values available in
jack_position_t or jack_???_t. which could become useful for other apps.
too. - I'll need to do some homework before requesting API changes to
jackit-devel, and appreciate suggestions on how to attack these issues:

News from the G.J. front : shell.sourceforge.net down - use SVN instead:

svn co \
 https://gjvidtimeline.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gjvidtimeline/trunk \
cd gjvidtimeline
#svn update
./autogen.sh && make && ./src/gjvidtimeline

GTK+ [JACK-transport] video timeline not ready for end-user announcement
 (actually some meantime xjadeo experiment). stop.

Why on ardour-dev ?

I'd like to get the current zoom-range from ardour (either query or
notify) - AFAIR ardour's menu can be customized, too (hook to change
video-file path of xjadeo or gjvidtimeline). - is there doc around for

where to start best? - Is it welcome to "integrate" external software
into ardour like this? -

slightly OT: I'd like to request a new Feature in ardour: Lock
audio-files or chunks to a fixed timeline-position on the audio-track
they are dragged or pasted - best if ardour could even use/set the
offset-value in the file's header.

and a final ardour-extension question: What is the status of the
ardour's EDL import/export?

It's kind of easy to parse the audio-file-name and offset from an EDL,
and I've done it to for some FCP projects with awk. - but I'd prefer a
proper EDL parser [lib] (that issues warnings and allows customized
filter to plugin mapping etc); if anyone want to start such a project
I'll gladly contribute. - meanwhile I could come up with a perl script
that will work for >95% off all projects, but I'd rather not :)

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