[ardour-dev] ardour 2.0 beta 6.2 - testing (and little info on svn rev 1032)

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Fri Oct 27 19:15:53 PDT 2006

good news:

* activated mute buttons are now shown correctly in the editor channels. yay!
* seems to be heaps less memory usage.

not so good:

* built with vst support, i'm still getting a crash and wine debugging
output when trying to open a session from an already opened one - it's
not due to any of my plugins, either, cos it still does it even if i
move all my vst plugins out of my VST directory. stupidly, i forgot to
copy the terminal output, but it's something about "pthreads" and
"can't load module from already open instance". something about "hex",
too ... can anyone else reproduce this? i'm using

* in any case, i got sick of VST and decided to try just a normal
install (one day i wanna finish these songs, dammit, lol) ... but
still trouble opening a session from already opened one - this time
segmentation fault. should i build with DEBUG=1? i've never, ever been
able to get a successful backtrace from ardour, but i'm willing to

* another thing - opening any session outputs this to the terminal:
"Transport:Loop is not a toggle".  and, it appears it's not - if you
click on the Loop button on the Transport, it doesn't highlight like
it used to - but it does actually loop.


and while i'm here, i may as well report trouble from svn revision
1032 - can't open any sessions:

flowbot at flowbot:~$ ardour2
Ardour/GTK 2.0beta6.1
   (built using 1032 and GCC version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease)
(Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5))
Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Paul Davis
Some portions Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren, Joel Baker

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the source for copying conditions.
Loading ui configuration file /etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui.rc
loading system configuration file /etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc
loading user configuration file /home/flowbot/.ardour2/ardour.rc
OSC @ osc.udp://localhost:3819/
Enabling SSE optimized routines
ardour: [INFO]: looking for control protocols in
ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Generic MIDI"
ardour: [WARNING]: Your system generates "Mod2" when the NumLock key
is pressed. This can cause problems when editing so Ardour will use
Mod3 to mean Meta rather than Mod2
Loading session
using snapshot baby_can_cha_cha (1)
ardour: [WARNING]: automation list: passed XML node not called
"events" - ignored.
ardour: [WARNING]: automation list: passed XML node not called
"events" - ignored.
ardour: [WARNING]: automation list: passed XML node not called
"events" - ignored.
ardour: [FATAL]: programming error:AutomationList::truncate_end()
called on an empty list
flowbot at flowbot:~$

hope this helps ... if not, i'll keep tryin.


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