[ardour-dev] ardour2 + behringer BCF-2000 ?

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Nov 17 16:55:47 PST 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 00:22 +0100, Christophe Combelles wrote:
> hello,
> I have successfully compiled and packaged the beta8, and I've also successfully 
> built one with vst (I've been asked, I don't use it personnaly, I didn't have 
> yet enough time to try every ladspa...), all this on Dapper.
>    Everything seems great although I got a few crashes, especially when adding 
> many tracks at once (27).
> But there is one thing I couldn't do : using again the BCF-2000 I've been using 
> with 0.99 for a long time. Did someone try?
> Is there something different in 2.0 than in 0.99 ? Something special to do ?

a) make sure your ~/.ardour2/ardour.rc file defines:

  <MIDI-port tag="control" device="ardour" type="alsa/sequencer"

b) Go to Options -> Control Surfaces -> Generic MIDI and select it to
enable it

c) continue as for 0.99.3

d) for feedback, go to Options -> Control Surfaces -> Generic MIDI ->
Controls -> Feedback and click to enable it. You are now officially in
uncharted territory :)


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