[ardour-dev] Fader gain

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Fri Mar 17 15:27:17 PST 2006

fons adriaensen wrote on Sat, 18-Mar-2006:

 > The version I'm using is CVS just after the zipper noise on sends
 > in 0.99.1 was solved, one or two days before 0.99.2. The fix for 
 > that one may have introduced the current bug. 

I feel sure that is the case.

 > BTW, is there any way to trim a track *destructively* ? When
 > preparing the session I posted I tried every trick to shorten
 > the tracks it contained. Trying to be smart I split them after
 > a few seconds and destroyed the second part, but even that 
 > allowed the short pieces that remained to regrow like an
 > amoebe to the complete original... So I just removed all of
 > them.
Nah, destroy just goes by referenced files.  Since the file referenced
by the two regions was the same, nothing happened.
There is no "optimize" function (like in some other DAWs) that will actually remove
unsed portions of audio files yet.


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