[ardour-dev] ultra-preliminary alpha ardour2 tarball release available

Benoit St-Andre ben at benoitst-andre.net
Wed Jan 11 17:44:01 PST 2006

Le Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 02:28:05PM -0800, Mark Knecht a écrit:
> QUESTION: How can I keep both 0.99beta30 and Ardour2-Alpha1 on my
> system and quickly switch back and forth between them? (Or even run
> them both side by side?)

You can use Stow, I personally use it for any package not installed by my
package manager, to quickly switch back and forth, or simply to manage any
packages I make/install in /usr/local (just have to specifiy the right
prefix to scons while building ardour).

See: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-stow/
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Mon carnet web: http://benoitst-andre.net/blog/
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