[ardour-dev] Building Ardour2 on Ubuntu Dapper - can't find Boost

Shayne O'Connor forums at machinehasnoagenda.com
Sun Aug 20 18:31:51 PDT 2006


i've recently switched distro from Fedora Core 5 to Ubuntu Dapper, and 
i'm trying to build ardour2 from SVN (which is what i've been using for 
the past few months). for some reason,  when i try to run scons it 
doesn't get past trying to detect for boost:

flowbot at machine:~/dev/svn/ardour2$ scons -j2 PREFIX=/usr
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for usb_interrupt_write() in C library usb... yes
Checking for FLAC__stream_decoder_new() in C++ library FLAC... no
Checking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... no
Boost header files do not appear to be installed.
flowbot at machine:~/dev/svn/ardour2$

but i have them installed here:

flowbot at machine:~/dev/svn/ardour2$ ls /usr/include/boost | grep shared_ptr

i noticed this post to the list 
http://www.nabble.com/error-bulding-ardour2-713-t2014924.html, where 
someone was having similar difficulties, so i tried out Jesse's 
suggestion to do this (until ardour2 trunk stabilizes):

svn switch  http://subversion.ardour.org/svn/ardour2/tags/prercu

but that won't build here either:

flowbot at machine:~/dev/svn/copy of ardour2$ scons -j2 PREFIX=/usr
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for usb_interrupt_write() in C library usb... yes
Checking for FLAC__stream_decoder_new() in C library FLAC... yes
Checking for lo_server_new() in C library lo... yes
Checking for dmalloc_shutdown() in C library dmallocth... no
Checking for C header file alsa/asoundlib.h... yes
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str':
   File "SConstruct", line 674:
     have_cxx = conf.TryAction (Action (env['CXX'] + ' --version'))
flowbot at machine:~/dev/svn/copy of ardour2$

although i'd like to keep using ardour2, is there any danger in working 
on my ardour2-created sessions in ardour1 in the meantime (ardour1 is 
available from dapper repos)?

thanx for any help


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