[ardour-dev] [ardour-users] ladspa problem on OSX 10.4 figured out

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Fri Oct 28 19:46:51 PDT 2005

>    As a QJackCtl user I find letting Ardour start Jack sort of
> foreign. With Ardour running I cannot tell what latency I am running
> at. I will hopefully sort that out over time.

you can:

	a) get the latency right there in the status bar of ardour
	b) installed jackosx tools and use jackpilot to manage jack
	c) install Qt and then build qjackctl for os x and use qjackctl

thanks for the report. another os x user who had major problems with
ardour did a complete system reinstall and it solved all known issues he
was having. so the osx situations looks quite good.


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