[ardour-dev] latest CVS commit
Sampo Savolainen
v2 at iki.fi
Sat Jun 11 10:04:27 PDT 2005
* Fix for mantis #920. Fixes deleting a range selection where
the selection starts at the same frame as the region starts.
This fix is in the global ARDOUR::coverage() method, thus
it might introduce problems in other places in ardour where
the method is used.
* Fix for mantis #991. Fixes playing gain automation from a
point where gain automation value is -inf
* Fix for trimming the region end. +1/-1 problem, trimming left
always trimmed 1 frame too many, trimming right trimmed 1
frame less.
* When moving the gain fader on a track beloging to a mix group
from -inf, the gain of other tracks in the mix group will
only raise a little bit instead of going through the roof.
* IO's have now a max gain so that you can't fiddling huge
gain values using mix groups. This maximum is about +30dB.
This limit is NOT the limit visble on mixer strips.
* When dragging files to create new tracks, the new tracks will
respect the output configuration.
* Dialog for editing meter marks (this is 4/4, 3/4:ths etc.)
the dialog will show the currently selected note type.
* libardour: 0.891.8
ardour/gtk: 0.597.2
Sampo Savolainen <v2 at iki.fi>
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