[ardour-dev] I would like to implement a feature in ardour

Andre Raue dawng at raue.info
Thu Dec 8 13:08:44 PST 2005


I'm longing for a certain new feature in ardour, described below, that I 
would like to implement by myself.

As I didn't do any programming for the ardour project until now, I do 
have some questions:

Is there a description of the process starting at the feature-idea and 
ending with the completion of the implementation of a feature. More 
concrete: Who decides, if my idea is in line with the concept of ardour, 
if I am "allowed" to implement it, if the implementation fulfills the 
quality requirements, ...

What is the best way to start programming ardour?
Do I need to use a certain IDE or may I just use my favorite one?
Who can give me access to the CVS repository?
Are there any coding guidelines?
Based on which version should I start developing? Should I branch or 
should I just use CVS head?
How do I have to set up my development environment?

Is there anything else, I should know?
Is there some documentation that could help me?

After asking all those questions I would like to explain my idea:
I would like to introduce a new menu item "Session - Export - Export all 
ranges..." When selecting this item, a dialog similar to the one of 
"Session - Export - export to audiofile..." should appear. But instead 
of defining a target file, one should define a target directory. When 
executing "Export", all ranges defined by the range-markers should be 
exported as seperate audio-files using the options defined within the 
dialog. The filenames should be defined by the name of the ranges. If 
some ranges do have the same name, the concerning filenames will be 
followed by a number. All files will be stored into the given directory.



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