[ardour-dev] Stumbling motorized faders

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.es
Wed Apr 27 10:57:00 PDT 2005

Hi Paul and others,
I've been compiling last cvs snapshots and tried successfully to control 
ardour through the motorized Behringer BCF2000 console. Really cool!
BTW, I found the Joe Hartley's tutorial in the manual very helpfull.

Now the main problem I face is that I get the motorized faders moving 
very stumbled (not smoothly). Like if ardour was sending update values 
in too long lapses of time. Note that this only happen with recorded 
automation: when I move the fader with the mouse I get very smooth 
movements in the motorized slider.

Is this automation-send frequency modifyable somehow?

Pau Arumí

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