[ardour-dev] I lost the rec button bind when saving a template

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Sat Apr 16 18:31:25 PDT 2005

Joe Hartley a écrit :
> On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 22:51:15 +0200
> Christophe Combelles <ccomb at free.fr> wrote:
>>2) I have difficulties to have a reliable bind for play/stop/fwd/rew
>>with the bcf2000 (upgraded to firmware 1.07; BTW, I could successfully
>>upgrade the firmware under Debian, the win32 tool from behringer works
>>perfectly under Wine, if libwine-alsa is installed!)
>>- Ctrl-middle click doesn't work
>>- with the learn mode of bcf2000 it doesn't work either
>>- and with the edit mode -> program to MMC/play, MMC/stop etc..., it's
>>not very reliable too.
>>Has anyone been able to reliably bind the transport buttons ?
> I have.  A problem with the MMC stuff was just fixed in a very, very 
> recent CVS commit (ardour 0.587.1 and lib 0.886.1).
> I also found it necessary to reprogram things a bit on the BCF since
> none of the presets were quite right.  I started with P2, the simple
> mixer, but made the rotary pushbuttons 1-8 be CC33 to CC40.  The
> two rows of buttons below the rotarys get CC65-80.
> I'm working on a Wiki entry for this but feel free to let me know if I
> can hyelp before I get it out.

I have just recompiled the nightly snapshot of today, and I still lose
the rec binding.

For the transport buttons, the stop button works. The play button always
start from the predefined (non removable) locator.
The REW button, also starts rewinding from the locator, and the FFW
button starts playing fast from the locator.
So it seems it works, but is it possible to disable this locator ?

For the bcf, it would be nice to publish a preset and a template for
ardour, I have already programmed a simple one, with P1 corresponding to
tracks 1-8 and P2 to 9-16.
But the java tool (BCEdit) from behringer always blocks when transfering
a preset on the BCF. It is not stable.

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