[ardour-dev] More on MMC

Christopher K. George ckg at YaleSDA.org
Tue Apr 5 07:03:35 PDT 2005

I'm seeing similar activity.  I am using an MCS3800.  Haven't had enough time
at the studio to check into it much though.


On Mon, 4 Apr 2005 20:01:39 -0400, Joe Hartley wrote
> Yesterday I had a great session recording my son's band.  6 tracks
> recording at once, and I used the BCF to mis on the fly, which was a
> lot of fun.
> As I started into the mixing process, though, I am finding some very
> odd things about using the BCF with Ardour.  Certain functions seem 
> to come and go!  Most noticable is when the MMC controls for Play, 
> Stop and Locate 0 stop working.  I also seem to lose the mappings 
> for solo and mute, but rarely lose the fader mappings.
> At one point, I was absolutely unable to re-map a button to the solo 
> for a track.  I'd get the "operate controller" message, but despite 
> repeated presses of the button, I couldn't get it to map.  I'd 
> thought perhaps I'd lost all MIDI functions, but at that point I had 
> MMC control and could play and stop using the BCF!
> As I write this and muck about with the BCF, I just had a panner in
> Ardour refuse to bind to a knob.  I fiddled with another channel's 
> panner, and it worked fine.  Then I tried to bind the first channel
> again, and it took it with no problem!
> It's very strange - sometimes the controls work, sometimes they 
> don't. They'll come and go in the same session at times!
> Any ideas, or clues on what I should try to do to debug this?
> Also, the "follow playhead" state does not seem to be saved.  I have
> to turn it on every time I open the session.  Minor, but I'm pretty
> sure that used to work.
> -- 
> ======================================================================
>        Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh at brainiac.com
> Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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