[ardour-dev] latest CVS commit

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Tue May 25 13:16:54 PDT 2004

   * fix for major design flaw 
        - multiple threads were using the GUI request queue,
	  which is violation of its "1 reader/1 writer" rules.
        - fix provides every thread with it own queue.

   * normalize region now works without writing a new
        file to disk.

   * libardour:   0.812.0
     libpbd:      2.4.1
     libgtkmmext: 6.1.0
     ardour/gtk:  0.512.0

For CVS users (snapshot or anonymous access) will need to do a full

	cd <toplevel>
	sh autogen.sh
	./configure <youroptions>

This is required whenever the configure.ac files change, as they have
in this case.

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