[ardour-dev] deep design question: help requested (rapidly)

Frank van de Pol fvdpol at coil.demon.nl
Tue May 18 15:47:19 PDT 2004

Just a quick remark on how this is (was?) handled in the old Cubase 2.0 on
the Atari:

if provided two distinct ways to make copies of a region (called 'part' in
that application):

1) normal copy
	- this makes a duplicate with the intend to alter it
	- gets a new name (nice to see where it from originated)
2) ghost copy
	- this is the equivalent of a unix symlink; editing one (any) instance
          makes is also effective in all other 'ghost copies'
	- basicly there are multiple instances of the same part; 

Perhaps it gives some idea?


On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 10:31:00PM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Paul Davis hat gesagt: // Paul Davis wrote:
> > if its not "region A", but "region B", how is the name "region B"
> > generated? 
> In the MS-Windows filemanager it will be: 
>  "region B" = "Copy of region A"
> Sorry for the example, but I suppose at least someone in Redmond
> thought deeply about this.
> In the Unix world you'd now enter the land of the symlinks: Provide
> the user with a means to either do a symbolic copy or a deep copy.
> Example: Say Region A is a hihat sound. If I copy this around, I would
> expect that the hihat always is the same. So Region A always stays
> Region A. 
> But if A is a loop that will be heavily edited, I would like to have
> different names for the now different loops, even if they all have the
> same loop as origin.
> Ciao
> -- 
>  Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__
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+---- --- -- -  -   -    -
| Frank van de Pol                  -o)    A-L-S-A
| FvdPol at coil.demon.nl              /\\  Sounds good!
| http://www.alsa-project.org      _\_v
| Linux - Why use Windows if we have doors available?

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